A quiet army is forming. Supplies are needed.
Progressive people of all genders are fighting for equality and poltical fairness. Inspiration is needed. History must be remembered. Mentors must be found.

Three sizes of stickers to choose from to help guide your journey through a patriarchal world. May you find inspiration and signs of comradeship here.
Search for stickers through text or background image descriptions.

Feminist T-Shirts
Growning armies need uniforms. Find the image for your troop here. Need a particular feminist image? Let me know so Nica Boe Artworks can supply your company with what you need to fight the good fight!

Free Downloadble Images
What is my ultimate goal? To assisst those pursuing a feminist dream of equality and equal rights for all. Money is not always what is important. Download these free images as often as you want and use them for any non-commercial/non-profit purpose.
They are especially great for keeping your mind focus about taking down the patriarchy.

Taboo Images
These are my pieces of artwork that have "violated community ethics codes" and have had me removed from numerous platforms. Perhaps this was because they were poltical pieces intended to take down the patriarchy?